bartfay audio
the minihorn
bartfay audio
Bartfay audio brought out a new, improved, third generation version of the successful, individually manufactured, full range back loaded hornspeakers.
The new development is the result of a long experimentation and testing process. MarkAudio's Brushed Metal cone loud-speaker turned out to be the most successful. This way the sound became more transparent and clean. The inner cables were changed to high purity UPOFC cables, so the stage sound became even more accurate with impressive texture, tonality and detail.
Because of the special horn design we got a multiple aperiodic, harmful resonant free, bulky box. We used a special resonance inhibiting material to cast lower arch, on purpose to guarantee the most perfect sound, with air and plenty of emotions. In spite of the small size, bass and dynamics are its most important characters. No electronic components, no crossover are included, so we can listen to our most favourite music unmodified and looseless.
Minihorn is very good to a wide range of different music styles, but first of all it is recommended to listening accoustic, jazz and chamber music. Minihorn can be used as an excellent part of a home cinema system.
Minihorn is available in different colours with orange oil varnish surface treatment.